Sermon by the Rev. Dr. Henry Roberts, guest preacher, retired senior minister of First United Methodist Church, Pensacola.
Sermon for Nov. 10, 2024: Our hearts follow where our gifts go
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida. Giving Stock photos by Vecteezy
Sermon for Nov. 3, 2024: Our mistakes do not define us
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Sermon for Oct. 27, 2024: Become who you’re meant to be
Sermon by the Rev. Ted Kirchharr, deacon, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Sermon for Oct. 27, 2024: True greatness is found in serving others
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Sermon for Oct. 13, 2024: Are you living with open hands or closed hands?
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida. Photo by Milada Vigerova on Unsplash
Sermon for Oct. 6, 2024: We are created to care for each other
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Sermon for Sept. 29, 2024: Following Jesus calls for radical integrity
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Sermon for Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024: Be willing to yield, and be transformed
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, rector, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.