Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord. 1 Corinthians 1:10-18: Now I appeal to you, brothers and sisters, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all
Sermon for Sunday, Jan. 15, 2023: Come and See
You can read an excerpt of "The Screwtape Letters," the book Rev. Christie references in her sermon, on the C.S. Lewis website here. It is available
Sermon for Sunday, Jan. 8, 2023: One Percent Closer Every Day
You can find the book Rev. Christie refers to in her sermon, "Atomic Habits," and download the first chapter for free, on the author's website. You
Sermon for Sunday, July 17, 2022: Start With the “Why”
To watch the TED Talk that Rev. Christie refers to in her sermon, follow this link to YouTube.
Sermon for Sunday, March 27, 2022
Sermon by the Rev. Christie Hord, St. John's Episcopal Church, Pensacola, Florida.
Episcopal 101 Session 4
Episcopal 101 Session 3
Episcopal 101 Session 1
Episcopal 101 Session 2